The Great Workplace Transformation
By Tom Klobucher
The Great Work Place Transformation is written in serial entrepreneurial style, a “once upon a time” learning fable about failure meeting WOW in the workplace and living happily ever after.
This practical, “how to get it done” sequel, (Book Two) takes us from joining The Great Workplace Revolution, (Book One), the revolution where everybody wins, to a positive workplace transformation. A must read for all employees and a learning tool for organizations that have been stalled in the “my way or the highway” management style of generations past.
Experts tell us that the creeping dissatisfaction and dysfunction in the American workforce has swelled to an alarming 60 to 80%! These workers are unhappy and ready to jump ship.
At the same time, organizations are beginning to feel the upsurge of a soon to be robust economy, and a huge demand for the most creative knowledge workers.
Why? Because he who has the most creative and happily engaged employees wins!!
The Great Workplace Transformation is a learning tool fable that will help you “fast track” your organization into a Truly Great Place to Work, and enable you to retain and hire the most creative people while you transform your workplace during this most exciting multi-generational decade.